Join AlamoEXPERIENCE, Join a SPC Org!

Student organizations, each unique in their own way, offer St. Philip’s College students a wide selection of personal interests and activities. Student organizations offer activities that are beneficial to the growth of St. Philip’s College students.

Why join?

All St. Philip’s College students are encouraged to participate in student organizations. Student Organizations can help you:

  • Gain valuable leadership skills,
  • Learn to collaborate in a team environment,
  • Learn to compromise, problem solve, resolve conflicts and communicate effectively,
  • Stay motivated and continue to pursue your academic goals, and,
  • Most importantly, have fun and build a sense of pride and Tiger Spirit!

Join AlamoEXPERIENCE and Stay Connected-Please contact the Director of Student Life at 210-486-2090 for more information.

Chartered Student Organizations

Chartered Student Organizations are organizations that are established by a College Office or Department to support the ongoing interests of St. Philip’s College. Membership is limited to students who have displayed a level of success as a student and who personify the character and integrity of St. Philip’s College.

Because of their affiliation to the college, Chartered Student Organizations are allowed:

  • Use of the SPC Logo on printed materials and correspondence
  • Special Renewal and Re-application Processes
  • Resources and privileges of the sponsoring Office/Department

Registered Student Organizations

Registered Student Organizations are established by a group of students who share a common interest or goal.

Registered Student Organizations are a separate and independent entity from St. Philip’s College whose membership is composed of St. Philip's College students, or a combination of students, faculty and staff.  To contact a student organization, email the Department of Student Life at or locate them on AlamoEXPERIENCE.

Want to start a club?

To start a new organization contact the Director of Student Success, Dr. Angela McPherson Williams/Dr. Mac, at or visit the Turbon Student Center (TSC), Suite 110.

Student Organization Tools


These forms and more can be found under the Department of Student Life or St. Philip's College portals on AlamoEXPERIENCE!